Thursday, 28 November 2013

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


You got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when you’re sittin at the table. There’ll be time enough for countin, when the dealin’s done.

7 Ways to Sharpen Your Focus

Here are some practical ways to stay focused despite the blizzard of distractions: 1) Manage your settings instead of letting them manage your attention. Turn off those pop-ups that tell you you've just gotten an email and ringtones. Those calls and messages may seem urgent, but they are not important enough to break your focus -- get to them later. Give yourself protected time to sustain your focus on the task at hand. 2) Mindful second thoughts help tear you away from those distractions. When you find yourself checking your email when you should be working on something else instead, just telling yourself 'I'm distracted now' activates a brain circuit that makes it easier to drop what's irrelevant and get back to focusing on your work. 3) Build up the mind's muscle for focus through a daily session of meditating on your breath. This is the mental equivalent of working out in the gym. The battle tension between focus and distraction takes place in the brain's circuits for resisting impulse. In the mental gym, the more often you catch your mind wandering off and return it to concentrating on your breath, the stronger your concentration grows - like bulking up your pecs on a Cybex. 4) Will power -- the key to staying focused on that important task -- wanes with stress. Managing your stress better by reducing demands or deploying a relaxation method you can practice as needed keeps your focus high. 5) Focus tanks when we are sleepy -- and there's an epidemic of sleep deprivation. No matter how many hours sleep you manage to get, the real measure of whether you are sleeping enough is whether you feel like dozing off during the day. A short mid-day nap (if you can get away with it) reboots your brain. 6) Eat high protein, low carb meals at breakfast and lunch. Carbs convert to sugar quickly, giving you a burst of energy and then a crash. Proteins become the brain's fuel more slowly, giving you a steady energy level that helps sustain focus. 7) Sip your caffeine slowly: A steady low dose helps your focus go on and on. Too much at once gives you a high (or nervousness) that ends in a focus crash. Finally, a concentrated focus is always the best attention tool for the job, e.g., when you're looking for a creative insight. For innovative thinking it's best to immerse first yourself in the problem with full focus, then let it go. New connections flow most freely when you're in a relaxed, daydreamy brain state -- on a walk, or taking a shower

questionare that addresses person having suicidal thought

Questionare that addresses person having suicidal thought Thwarted Belonginess: These days, I feel disconnected from other people. These days, I rarely interact with people who care about me. These days, I don’t feel I belong. These days, I often feel like an outsider in social gatherings. Perceived Burdensomeness: These days the people in my life would be better off if I were gone. These days the people in my life would be happier without me. These days I think I have failed the people in my life. These days I feel like a burden on the people in my life. Capacity for Suicide: Things that scare most people do not scare me. The sight of my own blood does not bother me. I can tolerate a lot more pain than most people. I am not at all afraid to die.


Prevention of Sucide in men: the High Cost of Men’s Success by Thomas Joiner, Ph.D Dr. Joiner has proposed a new theory of why people commit suicide . Joiner proposes that there are three key motivational aspects which contribute to suicide. These are: 1) a sense of not belonging, of being alone, 2) a sense of not contributing, of being a burden 3) a capability for suicide, not being afraid to die. All three of these motivations or preconditions must be in place before someone will attempt suicide. so we need to be kind to our fellow dudes cajole them and talk them out of attempting sucide, alway help a distraught friend talk to him abt postive things in life. men should be educated abt the fuitlity of sucide. We often invest so much of our lives in our work, when we lose our jobs or retire we feel worthless, unable to contribute. It’s a short step to feeling we are a burden on those we love. We also put less effort into developing and maintaining friendships so we can come to feel more and more alone. Suicidal intention is transient. If we can get support to get through those times when we feel disconnected, a burden to others, and having the means and mind-set to actually kill ourselves, we can begin to develop the social supports to turn things around. You better let somebody love you, you better let somebody love you, you better let somebody love you…before it’s too late

what are the best ways to avoid a mid-life crisis? Access your life. Focus on things that add value. Remove those that don’t. Find where what you are good at is rewarded the most. Go there. Stop reading about others adventures. Go do your own. Make & keep good friend

what are the best ways to avoid a mid-life crisis? Access your life. Focus on things that add value. Remove those that don’t. Find where what you are good at is rewarded the most. Go there. Stop reading about others adventures. Go do your own. Make & keep good friends

winners think

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

another person's tone of voice, facial expressions, and dozens of other cues. This results in what experts call "cyber-disinhibition," where the impulsive circuitry of the emotional brain, usually kept in line by the social circuitry, is freed to express itself. This has long been known as "flaming," classically the sending of a rude, angry or abrasive email that says something the sender would never say face-to-face with the receiver. Flaming has been around as long as the Internet, and now shows up in venues like Twitter and Facebook, let alone sexting. This ups our need for what cognitive scientists call cognitive control -- particularly in the teen years, when the just-say-no circuitry of the prefrontal cortex lags behind the do-it-now circuits of the emotional brain. Cognitive control means we can reign in our impulses in view of the possible consequences. Cognitive control can be taught -- it's a byproduct of attention-training in which kids and teens practice keeping their mind on one point of focus, and noticing when their mind wanders off -- and bring their attention back to that one thing. The results, neuroscientists find, is to strengthen brain circuits for concentration and for reigning in impulse and negative emotions.
be able to focus on the positives, you have to keep your mind calm and clear. From a cognitive science point of view, a calm and clear mind is the one which is the most effective, it's the one that takes in most information, which understands most deeply and can respond most nimbly and flexibly. That calm, clear state allows you to stay positive even when people around you and even your own impulse is to panic and be very anxious and be very worried. One of the things that comes with managing attention well is the ability to control distressing situations well so that you can retain that calm and focus

Monday, 25 November 2013

Manhood is about being brave enough, tough enough, to be vulnerable—both emotionally and spiritually.
Life as a classroom, where every experience is yet another (blessed or damned) opportunity for growth, is nurtured by curiosity—beginner’s mind, the ability to play at living—to dance like a five-year-old, to sing like a toddler, to write like an idiot savant and to giggle at whatever appears. BE YOURSELF: Everybody else is already taken. Taking risks is the key to full-out living, as well. However, very few of us are not inhibited by the specter of perceived humiliation or judgment. I believe there was a study at Harvard that showed death to be the number-two fear AFTER public speaking. A majority of us would rather die than feel embarrassed or humiliated by a sub-par performance. This is crazy. Who is rating us?

men and woman are different

Men and women think differently, approach problems differently, emphasize the importance of things differently, and experience the world around us through entirely different lenses,” says Marianne J. Legato, M.D., Founder of the Foundation for Gender Specific Medicine The Anterior Cingulate Cortex weighs options and makes decisions. It’s the worry-wort center, and it’s larger in women than men. *The Medial Preoptic Area is the area for sexual pursuit. It’s 2.5 times larger in the male. *The Prefrontal Cortex rules the emotions and keeps them from going wild. It’s larger in women, and matures faster in women than in men by one to two years. *The Temporal Parietal Junction is the solution seeker. It’s more active in the male brain, comes on-line more quickly, and races toward a “fix-it-fast” solution. *The Insula is the center for gut feelings. It’s larger and more active in women. *The Hippocampus is the center for emotional memory. It’s the elephant that never forgets a fight, a romantic encounter, or a tender moment—and won’t let you forget it either. It’s larger and more active in women.

Do you tend to doubt yourself rather than believe in yourself? Are you always questioning your worth and downplaying your abilities? We tend to rather dislike brash people who are always boasting about how wonderful they are and what marvelous things they can do. "Show offs and narcissists," we think to ourselves. "So glad I'm not like them!" But one thing you can say for the narcissists - they do have unshakeable self-belief. No matter what anyone else thinks, they believe they're worth it, they believe they can do it. And you can't get away from this fact: people who believe in themselves are statistically likely to do better, measured against people of equal talent, skill and knowledge, than people who always mistrust and doubt themselves.

You cannot find peace by avoiding life." -- Virginia Woolf you are truly flexible there is really very little you can't accomplish in your lifetime. -Anthony Robbins The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. ~Anne Morro

Sunday, 24 November 2013

boldness to shrug away monday morning blues

boldness be my friend- shakespeare. shrug off your monday blues and get rocking . happy monday monday dudes and gals A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart. Jonathan Swift Thought for the week - we can't choose how OTHERS behave. We CAN choose how WE react or even IF we do
Really successful people do things when they don't want to do it It’s important to make good decisions. But I spend much less time and energy worrying about “making the right decision” and much more time and energy ensuring that any decision I make turns out right.-Scott McNealy — a co-founder of Sun Microsystems and its CEO for 22 years Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” slow down ur mindwandering see the sunshine feel the wind ur in ur hair let go live in the moment Don't look back and ask, "Why?" Look ahead and ask, "Why not?" Be too positive to be doubtful and too determined to be defeated. Value your creative time. Make time for it and don't use it for ur mundane tasks it is not being fearless it is abt how u cope with fear One of the best uses of your time is to increase your competence in your key result areas. People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams because they feel they don't deserve them. -


Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
Accept positivity. Reject negativity. Let kind, peaceful thoughts enter your mind. Give yourself permission to be happy,content & loving
Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart. ...
say NO to limitations and YES to infinite possibilities
Success is more a function of consistent common sense than it is of genius." - An Wang.
self confidence is very important. If you don't think you can win, you will take cowardly decisions in crucial moments, out of sheer respect for your opponent. You see the opportunity but also greater limitations than you should. I have always believed in what I do on the chessboard, even when I had no objective reason to. It is better to overestimate your prospects than underestimate them.“-MAGNUS CARLSEN THE HARRY POTTER OF CHESS.
professionals who hope to achieve career success. Among the “soft skills” recruiters told Schawbel they look for in a job candidate: Strong work ethic, positive attitude, good communication skills, good conversation skills, and storytelling abilities for presentations.

great impression in person

The good news is that you can clean up your online reputation and work to hide the bad stuff in low search engine rankings. 1. Search your name with and without quotes on Google or other top search engines. This will give you an idea of what employers will find when they search your name. If you have the same name as someone with a questionable character, consider including your middle name or an alternative version of your given name. For example, instead of James Smith, use James Theodor Smith or Jim T. Smith. 2. Delete questionable posts, pictures and comments from your social networks, forums and blogs. This includes items that have profanity, hate, negative messages or concepts that might offend a prospective employer. If you can’t delete the material yourself, ask the site owner to remove it for you. A faster option, particularly if there is an abundance of negative material, is to delete your accounts and start over. 3. Post positive content to push bad content down in search engine results. You don’t have to be Pollyanna, but you should remember that anything you post online can be seen by a potential employer. Social media, blogs and forums can be a great way to network and strut your stuff, so consider posting content that shows your skills, experiences and other traits that make you employable. Don’t underestimate the power of social media to hurt your job prospects. While it doesn’t seem fair that your private life is used to evaluate your fitness as an employee, in today’s online world, it does. At the same time, social media can also be used to help your job prospects simply by posting items that reflect a conscientious, hardworking person.See More
for those who work at home.this tips may help Be accountable Connect with colleagues regularly. Check in with the boss frequently