Men and women think differently, approach problems differently, emphasize the importance of things differently, and experience the world around us through entirely different lenses,” says Marianne J. Legato, M.D., Founder of the Foundation for Gender Specific Medicine
The Anterior Cingulate Cortex weighs options and makes decisions. It’s the worry-wort center, and it’s larger in women than men.
*The Medial Preoptic Area is the area for sexual pursuit. It’s 2.5 times larger in the male.
*The Prefrontal Cortex rules the emotions and keeps them from going wild. It’s larger in women, and matures faster in women than in men by one to two years.
*The Temporal Parietal Junction is the solution seeker. It’s more active in the male brain, comes on-line more quickly, and races toward a “fix-it-fast” solution.
*The Insula is the center for gut feelings. It’s larger and more active in women.
*The Hippocampus is the center for emotional memory. It’s the elephant that never forgets a fight, a romantic encounter, or a tender moment—and won’t let you forget it either. It’s larger and more active in women.
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