Sunday, 23 November 2014

Lifting Weights Can Lift Your IQ

Neural stem cells are born in the hippocampus and either divide into neural cells or glial cells (support cells for neurons). Neural cells are sent from the hippocampus to the dendrite gyrus, which acts like a traffic cop, ordering them to go to specific regions of the brain. Voluntary exercise increases the number of neural stem cells created by the hippocampus. Here's how it works. Exercise, such as lifting weights or any cardio (jogging, stair master, elliptical, biking etc.), delivers blood-soaked oxygen to the brain. The more you exercise, the higher the blood flow. This increased blood flow then feeds the brain with more glucose (brain fuel) and oxygen (which removes free radicals from the brain like a sponge, in effect cleaning the brain). Exercise also increases the production of DBNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor), which takes place inside the hippocampus. BDNF is like miracle grow for the brain, helping it give birth to more neural cells and also helps grow existing neural cells. In effect, exercise grows your brain by creating new brain cells and growing existing brain cells. A neuron has one axon and multiple dendrites. An axon of one neuron connects with the dendrites of other neurons. This is called a synapse. There is a direct correlation between the number of axon and synapses an individual has and their intelligence. Anything that increases the number of axons and synapses, increases intelligence. Muscle movement increases the growth of axons. Lifting weights, therefore, increases the growth of axons, which helps contribute to increased synaptic activity. So if you want to lift your IQ, start lifting weights.

Monday, 17 November 2014

To Make Big Gains, Avoid Tiny Losses

Two Paths to Improvement The distinction we are making here is between improvement by addition vs. improvement by subtraction. Improvement by addition is focused on doing more of what does work: producing a faster car, creating a more powerful speaker, building a stronger table. Improvement by subtraction is focused on doing less of what doesn’t work: eliminating mistakes, reducing complexity, and stripping away the inessential.

self esteem tips to follow

oment. Accepting this intellectually will help you change your thoughts when your beliefs try to pull you down. 2. You have one life. As far as you know today, this is your one and only life. If you live to age ninety, figure out how many days left you have to live. Really, add it up. You have a limited number of days, so do you want to waste one of them feeling bad about yourself and not demanding the best life has to offer? Do you really want to let others determine how you will live, or give away your precious life to fear? 3. You can live with discomfort. So many of my personal fears related to upsetting other people. It is uncomfortable to make people angry or feel their judgement or criticism. But you can live with it. If you stand up for yourself frequently enough, they’ll get the message. You’ll also feel incredibly empowered by speaking your mind and claiming your personal authority. 4. Mistakes and failure are good. Sometimes we lack self-esteem because we’ve messed up in some way and therefore view ourselves as “worth less.” We think we’re worth less because we aren’t perfect. But anyone who is successful will tell you they reached success on the stepping stones of failure and screw-ups. Mistakes and failure reveal a willingness to take risk and try. 5. Thoughts and beliefs aren’t reality. Low self-esteem is the result of years of messed up thinking. Something from your past contributed to your feeling “lesser than.” The triggering event is over, but your thoughts and feelings about it go on and on, making it feel like it’s as real as the original event. Thoughts and beliefs are nothing more than amorphous habits of consciousness. 6. Action always helps. Rather than ruminating on how bad you feeling about yourself, do something positive and productive. This is particularly effective if the action you take relates to improving the area where you feel low self-esteem. If you’re feeling bad about your weight for example, go take a walk or exercise in some way. Action makes you feel in control of your destiny. 7. Beauty is overrated. In my research on self-esteem, I found that most people hate their appearance and feel bad about themselves as a result. We live in a culture that worships youth and beauty, but in reality most people aren’t beautiful by the media’s standards. Everyone is physically “flawed” in some way. Imagine a life where it simply didn’t matter how you look. Then try to live that way. 8. Comparing is toxic. How much time do you spend comparing yourself to other people and how they look, what they own, or what they’ve achieved? Comparing yourself to others is destructive to your self-esteem. Keep your eye on your own prize and stay focused on your goals and dreams. Live your one unique life the best way you can without worrying what others are doing. 9. Appearances are deceptive. When we compare ourselves to others, we often get trapped in the false thinking that other people have perfects lives while we’re living our little crappy lives. Unless you are living inside another person’s home and have access to their thoughts and feelings, you simply don’t know the truth about their lives. Appearances are only a sliver of the truth. 10. Most fears are illusions. This goes back to not believing your thoughts. Fear is aroused to warn you of imminent danger, but most of our fears relate to perceived events in the future. And most of these events aren’t life-threatening. You may always feel some amount of fear and anxiety, but you can use your logical mind to remind yourself that you aren’t going to die. 11. You have many accomplishments. If you’re like most people, you probably spend far less time pondering your accomplishments than you do your failures. Turn that around. Focus on your accomplishments and successes, even the most insignificant. You have achieved so much in a lifetime. Take some time to write them down and savor them. 12. Healthy relationships begin with self-love. When you have low self-esteem, your relationships suffer. A lack of confidence and neediness are unattractive and push others away from you, which only makes your low self-esteem worse. Practice self-love by honoring your own needs and desires, and by being compassionate and forgiving of yourself. 13. People pleasing backfires. As I experienced myself, being a people pleaser doesn’t promote self-esteem or foster authentic, intimate relationships. You might get a temporary boost from the positive reinforcement, but over time you lose your sense of self and your respect for yourself. Please yourself first so you have the confidence to make sound decisions about dealing with the wants and needs of others. 14. Passive-aggression is unhealthy. Those who suffer with low self-esteem often use passive aggressive behaviors when they feel angry or frustrated. They aren’t assertive enough to state plainly what they want or need. Sometimes passive aggressiveness erupts into unexpected angry outbursts. Learn about passive-aggressive behaviors and how you can practice healthier ways of communicating your feelings. 15. It’s okay to have boundaries. Often people with low self-esteems are afraid to implement personal boundaries. In fact, they may not have defined any boundaries because they don’t believe they should have them. Remember, it’s not only okay to have them, but it is absolutely necessary for self-esteem and positive relationships. Other people may resist at first, but eventually they’ll respect you more for having boundaries. 16. Social skills can be learned. If you feel unhappy with yourself because you don’t relate well to others or you’re social skills are lacking, don’t assume you have a personality or character flaw. Often people don’t learn these communication skills growing up and feel insecure as they get older. They fear reaching out for help since it would draw attention to their flaws. Social and communication skills can be learned by observing others, through reading and research, and with instruction from a therapist or coach. 17. You can let go of people. When we’re insecure in ourselves, we often believe we are the cause for the bad behavior of others. They are angry, controlling, unreliable, or unhappy because we haven’t tried hard enough, or we did something wrong. Sometimes people simply have draining, negative personalities, and you don’t need to keep them in your life. It’s okay to let go of people who drag you down. 18. Your instincts and judgements are the best. Do you find yourself frequently looking to others to reinforce your decisions or reassure you that you’re worthy and lovable? No one knows better what is best for you than you do. Practice making decisions without the input of others. Also, define what “worthy and lovable” mean to you, rather than looking outside of yourself for reassurance. 19. Your words are powerful. If you say disparaging, unloving things about yourself, you are reinforcing your feelings of low self-esteem. The spoken word is powerful and cements your thoughts and beliefs more firmly. Putting yourself down also creates a negative perception in the minds of those who hear you. Remember when your mom would tell you, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything”? Well that applies to saying unloving things about yourself. 20. People don’t think about you as much as you fear. Think about the number of times you’ve worried what other people must think of you or how they perceive you. The fear of other people’s perceptions holds us back from taking action and or being ourselves. However, most people are far too concerned about themselves to spend to much time focused on what you say or do. You don’t need to fret about this so much. 21. Life is more grey than black and white. Those with low self-esteem tend to have rigid perceptions about how things are “supposed” to be, because they don’t trust themselves. Black and white thinking makes it easier to know what to do. This thinking often comes from blindly following authority figures. But there is so much more to life than your singular perceptions, and it’s empowering to discover the variety of possibilities in thinking and acting when you let go of rigidity. 22. Your true self is more interesting than your mask. Whomever you might be pretending to be in order to feel better about yourself, this person isn’t nearly as appealing as the authentic you. Authenticity is one of the most attractive traits a person can have. Try dropping the mask and allow yourself to be real. 23. The present moment is reality. Insecure people tend to dwell in the past and the future and ruminate about mistakes and worries. However, real life happens in the here and now. It’s the only reality, and it’s the only place to find peace, security, and happiness. How can you lack self-esteem when the present moment is perfect? 24. You’re more capable than you think. If you set your aim low in order to protect yourself, then you never stretch to your fullest potential. If low self-esteem has held you back from taking chances or reaching for your dreams, you’ll never know how truly capable and talented you are. 25. Seeking help is courageous. Some people view counseling as yet another sign of weakness or embarrassment. Actually, it’s a sign of strength and courage to acknowledge you want to change and to do something about it. A trained counselor can help you heal past wounds that triggered low self-esteem and work with you on new behaviors so you can love and respect yourself. Rather than allowing feelings of low self-esteem to overwhelm you, take control of your thoughts by reminding yourself of these self-esteem truths. Consider printing this list to keep with you in your wallet or purse so you can refer to it when you have a bad day. As you learn new ways of thinking and behaving, you’ll begin to recover your self-worth and confidence.

courage is everything

Courage is admired so much because it is lacking in so many." Dr. Ben Carson The courageous know that they will fail and make mistakes, yet they pursue their dreams and goals anyway. Failure and mistakes cost time and money and results in setbacks and disappointment. Most are unwilling to incur these costs and the emotional roller coaster ride that is part of pursuing a dream or big goal. We admire those who follow their dreams or pursue big goals because it requires taking risks and taking risks requires an enormous amount of courage. We only have one shot at life. Don't be afraid to pursue a big goal or life dream. Your regrets for not following your dreams will be far worse than the temporary setbacks and disappointments that are part of the process of achieving success.

how to find ur angels

gns Your Angels Are With You Angels also love to play with synchronicity and are often behind chance meetings, unlikely opportunities, and those little signs and signals you receive alerting you that you’re on the right track. Seeing number sequences, finding feathers, coins or crystals, seeing sparkles or flashes of light, hearing a specific song on the radio, and receiving inspiration or insight during meditation, dreams, and more, are common ways the angels attempt to alert you to their presence. Angels have profound insight, wisdom, and guidance to offer you as you journey through life. They are able to see your past, present and future reality simultaneously from a completely different perspective. Due to this your angels can help you to stay focused on what is important and what will truly serve you in aligning with your authentic path and purpose. How To Connect With Your Angels receiving messages from angelsMost often, connecting directly with the love and guidance of your angels requires that you raise your personal vibration, and open to your subtle psychic senses. Doing this doesn’t need to be challenging, but it does take practice. Returning to love and joy, being playful, laughing, meditating, and spending time in nature are easy and powerful ways to lift you vibration and begin opening to your subtle senses. In addition, thinking about angels, asking angels for help, listening to angel messages, and reading about angels will help you to more closely aligning with these powerful spiritual beings of light and love. When you do ask your angels for guidance, know that they will always answer. Your job is to simply be aware, and to remain open to receive. The guidance of angels is always loving, empowering, uplifting, and it is usually repeated until you get the message. After you ask for guidance, quiet your mind, open your heart, and simply be present and aware as you trust the guidance will appear. Angelic guidance, assistance and healing comes in many forms. They will sometimes directly assist, and other times their help comes much more subtly in the form of inspiration, a gentle nudge to take action, or an understanding of your next step to move in the direction of healing, health, and happiness. After you ask your angels for help, be open to how the help and guidance appears, and be sure to act on any insight you do receive. You have powerful angelic assistance which is available to you, but ultimately you are responsible for taking action, staying positive, and manifesting the blessings you desire in your life.

Sunday, 16 November 2014


Talk yourself through the fear. When the fear sets it, listen to it. Talk to it. What is the fear telling you? The fear is telling you to hold on to a lifestyle you do not want to keep living. The fear might be telling you it time to die – which means will finally get to live.

stop negative thoughts

1. Stopping negative thoughts doesn’t work. Avoiding negative thoughts is the best strategy. 2. Monitor your thoughts. Where are you when negative thoughts appear? What time is it? Is it at night-time? (That’s when my negative thoughts come. There’s about 5-30 minutes each night before bed when I question everything I’ve done. I sometimes feel sick to my stomach.) 3. Change the direction of thoughts. Think about something else. Go for a run. Sprint down the street. Do something other than what you’re currently doing. 4. Do not let others take you down “dark alleys” of negative thoughts. Your family, friends, and others may try bringing you down to their level. Disown your family if they bring you down. People who love you want to raise you up.

Traits Commonly Associated With Masculinity 1. Independent. Are you always crying about politics, saying that life will be good for everyone if “your man” is elected? Do you complain that the government has not done enough to boost the economy? Then you are dependent upon the government for your economic success. 2. Non-emotional. Do you cry when people say things that hurt your feelings? Have you ever reported an online message board post to a moderator because it was “mean”? When your boss is being an ass do you become a sad little panda. 3. Aggressive. Are you afraid of approaching women? Do you take what is yours or complain that there is a lack of opportunity? Can you survive a street fight, or would you become a victim of the Knockout Game. 4. Tough-skinned. Does a rhinoceros know when a gnat is on its back? Do you stew and brew over real and perceived slights? See also number 2, above. 5. Competitive. Do you try making yourself better each day? Do you grind out extra reps in The Weight Room, look for a side hustle, and constantly improve? 6. Strong, active, and self-confident. Do you walk like a man? Are you in the gym and reading every day? Do you have the posture of an alpha male? Or do you walk with slouching shoulders and hold your head down like a slave before going home to play Xbox 360. Do you live by the Twin Pillars of Alpha? 7. Hard. When life gets tough do you push through or do you quit? Are you afraid of drinking a green juice and instead look for your milk and cookies? Even worse, are you so defeated and demoralized by life that you become a drunk? 8. Sexually aggressive. Any loser can be horny. When you see a woman do you decide that you are going to be a man and make your move? Life is about polarity. It’s yin and yang. Feminine Women Want Masculine Men. Women want their opposite. Even a self-proclaim

Saturday, 8 November 2014

self esteem

you cannot win the race, unless you follow through. You cannot blame the others, for it all depends on you. You cannot win the battle, if you do not raise your sword. You cannot claim a victory, if there is no reward. You cannot shape the future, if you wait until it's here. The future has no purpose, if you live today in fear. Your future lies within your hand, to do with what you may. For tomorrow brings results, of what you've done today. The choices that you make today, reflect the life you seek. But first of all, the seeds are sown, before the gardener reaps. The future's like a lump of clay, you hold within your hand. As time goes by, the clay gets hard, so mould it while you can. Failure is an attitude, that haunts the mind of man. But, results will be successful, for the one who knows HE CAN!

how loser can win

Optimistic enough to put in an honest effort and see what happens. They don't fill their heads with self-defeating thoughts and negative prophecies that keep them from doing their best. Stay focused on what they can do instead of fretting about what they can’t do. Patient enough to take things one decision (and one day) at a time, instead of expecting instant results and losing motivation when those results don't come. See mistakes and problems as learning opportunities instead of being demoralized by them.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

strong competitive mind set

Here are three powerful mental strategies to help you build a strong competitive mind-set. 1. Believe That Your Competitors Make You Better. I have done the best, most creative, forward-thinking development of my businesses when I have been threatened by a smart, hard-charging competitor. They keep me thinking. They force me to be analytical and fresh to counter the moves they are making in the marketplace. Appreciate your competition. Learn from them. Use them to scare you into more heightened motivation and a stronger competitive mind-set. What do some of the nation's top executives think about their competitors? "You either eat someone for lunch, or you can be lunch." --Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems "We realize we are in a race without a finish line. As we improve, so does our competition." --David Kearns, Chairman of Xerox "Competition is a way of life. If you don't have a really tough competitor, you ought to invent one." --Roberto Goizueta, CEO of Coca-Cola 2. Believe That Winners Never Quit And Quitters Never Win. This is the oldest success quote in the world of competitive sports and business. It's still around because it's true. How many times in your day do you slack off, just a little bit? Would you succeed more if you competed fully for the entire day? Every time you get discouraged and lose focus, that is a form of giving up, of not competing fully. Give every day all you've got. Be a determined competitor. These famous folks know the value of hanging in there. "Winners don't make excuses. The minute you start talking about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost." --George Shultz, former United States Secretary of State "Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air." --John Quincy Adams, founding father "Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. " --Ray Kroc, founder of McDonalds 3. Learn To Love The Craziness Of Competition. One of the ATP Pro Tennis Tour players I coached played Andre Agassi on center court at Wimbledon one year. It was a crazy environment with the English cheering wildly for the popular legend Agassi. My player had to remember not to fight the crazy tumult, but instead accept the competitive craziness to play his best. Do you sell your best under difficult circumstances? Let the competitive, uncertain selling environment motivate you to focus better, think more clearly and be even more determined to win. These successful people understand the nexus of uncertainty and competitive attitude.

u are responsible for your life

When blaming others for your circumstances becomes accepted doctrine you’re resting your butt on a broken stool. That stool will eventually collapse, dragging you to the ground. Accepting individual responsibility for your life, your habits, your behaviors, your choices and your thinking gives you a ladder to help you climb out of your current circumstances. Blaming others for your life circumstances does you absolutely no good and, in fact, relegates you and your children to a life of financial misery.

action is better than thinking

Nothing happens when you want it to happen. Everything is difficult before is gets easier. Worthwhile endeavors take an enormous amount of time, effort, dedication and patience. I have a Rule of 3 that helps me manage my expectations in pursuing goals and my life dreams: Everything you want to accomplish in life takes 3 times as long as you expect, costs 3 times as much as you expect and requires 3 times as much effort as you expect.

When you find your way, you cannot be scared. You need to be brave enough to take wrong steps. The deceptions, failures, lack of enthusiasm, are tools that God places in our way to reveal the path.

how to be sharp in life

1. Challenge your thoughts. Identify the negative beliefs you have about yourself and challenge them. Find evidence to the contrary. 2. Retrain your brain. Negative thinking becomes a habit ingrained in your brain. Rewire your brain by intentionally thinking new and positive thoughts, even if it feels awkward at first. You will create new wiring and new habits. 3. Smile. Arranging your facial muscles in a smile actually makes you feel happier and more confident. It triggers those feelings in your brain. 4. Stand up straight. Pay attention to your posture. It makes you appear more self-confident and therefore you feel more self-confident. 5. Practice. If you lack self-confidence in a skill, practice it. With improvement comes confidence. 6. Make a list. Write down your skills, abilities, successes, and gifts. In moments of low self-confidence, you forget all of the great things about you. Write them down so you can remember. 7. Interact. Isolating yourself allows you to get lost in negative thinking. Spend time withe other people. Make yourself, even if you don’t feel like it. 8. Create boundaries. Low self-confidence often goes hand-in-hand with people-pleasing. How are you allowing someone to control your decisions or behavior? What is one thing you could do to create a boundary here and reclaim yourself? 9. Write a vision. Write down exactly how you would like your life to look if you were creating it from scratch. When you put it in writing, you have begun the process of creating it. 10. Look your best. Take care of your appearance. Dress nicely. Get your hair styled. Put on make-up. When you look your best, you feel more self-confident. 11. Challenge a fear. Where are you holding yourself back? Where are you afraid of failure? Take one teeny tiny action in that area. Then another. 12. Hug your failures. Take a good look at past failures. Write down what you learned from them and how they served you. See how failure has been kind to you. 13. Define your values. Write down your most important life values. How are you living contrary to those values? What is one action you could take to correct that? 14. Find a mentor. Who is someone inspiring and motivating to you? Learn more about them, how they conduct their lives, and how they got where they are. 15. Focus on now. Most self-confidence problems stem from worry about the future or regret about the past. Focus on the task at hand. Immerse yourself in it so your mind is happily engaged. 16. Do something for others. When you are kind and giving by choice, you will find immense satisfaction and confidence in sharing and serving others. 17. Plan a pity party. If you need to dwell on your problems or failures, just allow yourself a 10 minute pity party a day. 18. Try something new. Anything. A hobby, a sport, a recipe. Just do something that you haven’t done before. 19. Read something inspirational. Keep a motivational book with you to give yourself a booster shot of self-confidence. One of my favorites is Fearless: Creating the Courage to Change the Things You Can by success coach Steve Chandler. 20. Call in reinforcements. Take a course to improve your self-confidence. And if you have issues from the past that you can’t resolve, seek the support of a counselor so that you can move forward.