Monday, 17 November 2014

how to find ur angels

gns Your Angels Are With You Angels also love to play with synchronicity and are often behind chance meetings, unlikely opportunities, and those little signs and signals you receive alerting you that you’re on the right track. Seeing number sequences, finding feathers, coins or crystals, seeing sparkles or flashes of light, hearing a specific song on the radio, and receiving inspiration or insight during meditation, dreams, and more, are common ways the angels attempt to alert you to their presence. Angels have profound insight, wisdom, and guidance to offer you as you journey through life. They are able to see your past, present and future reality simultaneously from a completely different perspective. Due to this your angels can help you to stay focused on what is important and what will truly serve you in aligning with your authentic path and purpose. How To Connect With Your Angels receiving messages from angelsMost often, connecting directly with the love and guidance of your angels requires that you raise your personal vibration, and open to your subtle psychic senses. Doing this doesn’t need to be challenging, but it does take practice. Returning to love and joy, being playful, laughing, meditating, and spending time in nature are easy and powerful ways to lift you vibration and begin opening to your subtle senses. In addition, thinking about angels, asking angels for help, listening to angel messages, and reading about angels will help you to more closely aligning with these powerful spiritual beings of light and love. When you do ask your angels for guidance, know that they will always answer. Your job is to simply be aware, and to remain open to receive. The guidance of angels is always loving, empowering, uplifting, and it is usually repeated until you get the message. After you ask for guidance, quiet your mind, open your heart, and simply be present and aware as you trust the guidance will appear. Angelic guidance, assistance and healing comes in many forms. They will sometimes directly assist, and other times their help comes much more subtly in the form of inspiration, a gentle nudge to take action, or an understanding of your next step to move in the direction of healing, health, and happiness. After you ask your angels for help, be open to how the help and guidance appears, and be sure to act on any insight you do receive. You have powerful angelic assistance which is available to you, but ultimately you are responsible for taking action, staying positive, and manifesting the blessings you desire in your life.

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