Sunday, 23 March 2014

how to attract lady luck

1. Maximize Chance Opportunities Lucky people are skilled at creating, noticing, and acting upon chance opportunities. They do this in various ways, which include building and maintaining a strong network, adopting a relaxed attitude to life, and being open to new experiences. 2. Listen to Your Lucky Hunches Lucky people make effective decisions by listening to their intuition and gut feelings. They also take steps to actively boost their intuitive abilities -- for example, by meditating and clearing their mind of other thoughts. 3. Expect Good Fortune Lucky people are certain that the future will be bright. Over time, that expectation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because it helps lucky people persist in the face of failure and positively shapes their interactions with other people. 4. Turn Bad Luck Into Good Lucky people employ various psychological techniques to cope with, and even thrive upon, the ill fortune that comes their way. For example, they spontaneously imagine how things could have been worse, they don't dwell on the ill fortune, and they take control of the situation.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

For me, like biting into a summer peach with a razor’s blade hidden inside its flesh, Life’s pain and sweetness Startles. Raw and shocking, But still so sweet. Given the choice to foreknow the juice that runs down my chin Will soon be mingled with tears and lifeblood. Mine Yours Ours I still take the bite of Life With no hesitation. For I have come to just treasure the experience of life …all of it… Its raw, windswept, Sunrise-laden, barefoot shit and splendor. Time changes all. Into time everything is birthed Out of time, everything dies But is reborn again Like another moonsparkle on an ocean wave. We rise and shine and fall back into the great Sea to rise again Another way perhaps. But for now we shine and that is enough-.Jacob Nordby –

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

how to declutter ur mind

Here are ten tips on how to declutter your mind and get things in order: 1.Prepare a To-do List For some reasons, we are homo sapiens and not machines. It’s important that you create a list of important things to do on a daily basis. 2.Eliminate Negative Thoughts If you think you can’t, you definitely can’t. So it is important to think positive. Unless you give it a try, you will never know what your ability is. If possible, eliminate “I can’t” from your vocabulary. 3.Don’t Leave Things for Tomorrow If you think you are going to start jogging from tomorrow, it’s never going to happen. Be strong and don’t procrastinate. Leaving tasks for future means you are still unsure about doing them. Remove your doubts and do it today. 4.Decide on the Undecided Make a list of things on which you are yet to decide. These issues could be small or extremely important. Tackle the smaller issues first and then move on to the more important ones. If needed, take the help of your spouse, friend or colleague. 5.Go Through Your Wardrobe More often than not, we use only half the clothes in our closets. Organize your wardrobe and keep it neat and tidy. Make a list of clothes you wear on daily basis and set aside what you intend to wear on special occasions. Get rid of the rest of the stuff! 6.Meditate Nothing works better than meditation to declutter your mind. Set aside 15 minutes in a day when you can sit quietly, focus on your breathing and let your mind relax. 7.Fix What Needs to be Fixed Don’t wait for the moment when you need to use something to fix it, if it’s broken. Be it that wobbly table, broken latch or leaky tap, get it fixed in time and you will be a much more relaxed person at the end of it. 8.Let it Go Harsh memories, bitter experiences or maybe a bad day? Let go of these hurtful feelings and move it. Maybe it happened just to make you stronger. Don’t let it affect your present or future. 9.Take a Break Try not to work for long durations at a stretch. Take a short break in middle, walk in the corridor, take a tea break, and then get back to work. You will come back with higher concentration and higher will power. 10.Reduce the Amount of TV That You Watch Think about the programmes that you watch. Do they serve any purpose in your life and do you watch them because you have nothing else to do? By reducing the amount of time devoted to TV viewing, you will find that you have more time for important things in life.
Present Tense Affirmations I am changing my beliefs about money I always find a way to make money I am attracting money and growing my bank account I am a finely-tuned money making machine I am completely dedicated to acquiring more money I am totally focused on achieving financial success I am attracting large amounts of money into my life Money is everywhere I believe in myself and my ability to acquire massive wealth I have only positive beliefs about money
Present Tense Affirmations I am getting out of debt I always spend money wisely I know exactly where all of my money is going at all times I am on top of my finances I always find a way to put money in to my savings My mind is highly focused on getting out of debt I always handle my finances with care and attention I am doing whatever it takes to eliminate debt I am in command of my money I am always disciplined in how I spend my money Future Tense Affirmations I will get out of debt I am beginning to get out of debt I am developing a strong dedication to living a debt free life I am becoming more responsible with my money I will get my finances in order I am starting to effortlessly resist spending money on things I don’t need I will keep track of where I am spending my money I am moving towards a debt free life Each day I am becoming more financially healthy I will change my spending habits and take control of my money Natural Affirmations I will easily get out of debt I am naturally disciplined with my money It is important to me that I take control of my finances I enjoy spending my money wisely It feels good when I resist the temptation to spend money unnecessarily I am the kind of person who is just naturally good with my money Being financially healthy is crucial to my happiness I can effortlessly visualize what it will feel like to be debt free Others can see that I am always responsible with my money I find it easy to save money
When we know who we are, we can overcome our fears and insecurities. We surpass our smaller selves… The answers to the questions of what to say, what to do, whom to let in, and whom to keep out become a clear and simple matter of listening to our hearts. That inner voice helps us align with our purpose. The voice is there. We just need to listen to it. When we do that, we live in fearlessness.”
If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher." ~ Pema Chodron Sometimes the lessons of patience, love and understanding can be found in the strangest of places.

How to Embrace Your Fears and Live a Meaningful Life

5 Steps to Face Your Fears The amount of fear you have to face when you dare to follow your dreams can be overwhelming. Here’s the reality: fear stops you from moving forward. It’s the killer of meaning, purpose and fulfillment. Fear wants you to be average, to stay at home, to quit. Fear wants you to buy into the lie. The lie that dreams aren’t possible. Below I share with you the exact 6 steps I have followed to push through my fears. Step 1: Write Down Your Fears When I first decided to leave education I had many fears. To this day I remember the wisdom of my father: Fear is a reality. If you don’t acknowledge it, you can’t conquer it. Fear is not something to be avoided. Acknowledge it, then you can conquer it. Take out a piece of paper and write down all your fears. Step 2: Identify Your Top Fears Looking at your list of fears, answer this question: Which of these fears would have the greatest positive impact on your life, if you could find the courage to push past them? Circle the number 1 fear. Step 3: Imagine Your Life Without The Fear What is courage? In my eyes, courage is the ability to move forward in the face of fear. If there is no fear, there is no courage. Write down what your life would be like if you conquered this fear. In doing this you are establishing a purpose to conquer these fears. Step 4: Break Your Fear Into Baby Steps Fear often tells us exactly what we need to do. Step 5: Take Action You can run through steps 1 through 4 but it won’t do a darn thing if you don’t’ take action. Whatever plans you developed from steps 1 through 4, go out and make it happen.


the most out of your life, optimism is key. Optimism here means a sense of unlimited possibilities about your future. It’s the belief that, when it comes to your future, nothing is impossible. Your surroundings might not be ideal, but that won’t hinder you from being what you’re supposed to be. Optimism will change the way you work. You will be energized. You will approach your days with enthusiasm. You will be more creative since you believe there must be a way. The road won’t be easy. You will have to go through difficulties. But having the right attitude is key. Put optimism in your arsenal. Believe there are unlimited possibilities about your future. Then, and only then, will you start making things happen.
Life will knock you down more times than you can possibly imagine. Don’t knock yourself down. Don’t avoid feeling embarassed because you’re afraid something’s not gonna go well. So what if it doesn’t go well? So what? You’re a wonderful, talented and really smart young being. Alright? Put yourself out there. Give yourself a chance."

Which Brain Trap is holding you back?

The five brain traps explained in Wired for Life are: 1.The Fear of Failure – stops people from taking a chance 2.The Fear of Losing Control – we affectionately know them as “control freaks” 3.The Fear of Standing Out – stops people from being authentic 4.The Fear of Missing Out - triggered by a scarcity mentality 5.The Fear of Facing the Truth – a common cause of the victim mentality

Friday, 14 March 2014

four commandments

1. Be present. 2. Seek to understand and accept. 3. Be compassionate, and passionate. 4. Do less.

how to distreess

1. Massage your ears. The ear massage is a fantastic way to release endorphins in your brain and make you feel good. The beauty is that it only takes a few minutes. Start by gently rubbing your earlobes with your thumb and index finger. Then squeeze the outer edges of your ears all the way to the top. These parts of your ears have tiny reflex points that can relax specific areas of your body. Finish by using your index fingers and middle fingers to massage behind the ears on the bony part of your skull. 2. Finger paint. If you thought that getting messy and painting with your fingers was strictly for kids, think again. Finger painting allows you to have fun, be artistic and play in a child like way. It gives you permission to express your creativity and spontaneity without expectations. So why not be the creator of some new abstract art pieces. Visit a nearby children’s store and pick up a set of finger paints – ages 10 and up. 3. Strip down your living room. Take note and see how much stuff you have laying around your house, especially your living room – the place where you often wind down and relax. Then, declutter and learn the powerful art of Minimalism. Get rid of anything and everything you don’t use or need. Give away or donate decorations and household items. An open and clean space creates a place of peace and tranquility. It’s also easier to relax when you are not surrounded by stuff such as laundry, work, electronics and even reading materials because your subconscious mind doesn’t feel like you have things to do. 4. Try laughing yoga. We all know that the power of laughter has a wonderful effect on our mood and is one of the best feel good things we can do. However, the opportunity to laugh like this doesn’t always come easily and often. A fun and crazy way to make yourself laugh uncontrollably is to find (google) a class, club or yoga studio in your area that offers laughing yoga. You may have to step out of your comfort zone but you will be in for a wonderful and hilarious surprise. 5. Procrastinate. Make a list of things to do and then don’t do it. Call it your procrastination list. Then make the decision to engage in something you really feel like doing. If and when you become inspired to do something on your procrastination list then go for it. Maybe you really don’t have to do those things on your procrastination list or perhaps someone else may want to do those things for you. I believe that if you’re not accepting, enjoying or enthusiastic about what you’re doing then you shouldn’t do it. By procrastinating you often let go of resistance and become more relaxed. 6. Be brutally honest. Have you ever felt frustrated with yourself because you wanted to say something to someone but didn’t in fear of what might happen, what that person might think or how you might make them feel. Instead of bottling things up inside you, which causes stress and tensions, why not let it go through the power of honest speech. Express your emotions and tell people how you really feel without being rude or obnoxious. Be loud and bold. Notice how relieved you feel. 7. Dance in the rain. How often do you see people getting upset and running for cover when it starts to pour? Next time it rains, have a little fun, get wet and do a little dance. Engage all your senses and enjoy the moment. Even sing if you want to. You will be surprised how refreshing and rejuvenating it is. For those of you who live in colder climates, try dancing in the snow or making snow angels. 8. Enjoy a staycation. Instead of travelling somewhere on a holiday, stay at home and enjoy a local vacation. To make it an adventure, get a map of some nearby hiking trails and plan some day hikes. If you’re in a colder climate consider cross-country skiing or snow-shoeing. Try a new activity such as outdoor photography. Visit some local cafes that sounds interesting and that you’ve never been to before. If you need a break from your kids, recruit a friend or relative to baby-sit. Have fun and get to know your area

defeat selfdoubt

Be bold, be courageous, be authentic and allow your life to reflect your deepest self! Hold self doubt’s hand as you skip down life’s path. I believe in you! Keep an event journal: If you are a person who experiences a lot of self doubt, then it’s time for a test. In the course of a single day, write down all of the things – simple and complex – that you accomplished without a hitch. Call on your cheerleaders: Often, our loved ones can see our lives much more objectively than we can. Being a natural introvert, I sometimes doubt my interpersonal skills, and when someone doesn’t respond to me in the way that I expect, I occasionally get paranoid. It always helps to call one of my best friends so that she can assure me that I do in fact have a lot of wonderful relationships in my life. Celebrate your successes: When a situation in which you doubted yourself turns out better than you expected, don’t just nod and smile and move immediately on to the next thing. Take a moment and reward yourself for a positive outcome. Do something you enjoy like going to your favorite restaurant or eating a delectable dessert. Taking the time to cement positive emotions in your mind will hopefully make the doubt disappear more quickly next time.

midlife crisis

Here are 10 suggestions to help make your crisis a catharsis and encourage you to take some small steps toward your new evolution. 1. If needed, seek therapy. 2. Focus on health. 3. Change your self-talk. We have to tell ourselves the exact opposite of these things in order to move forward. Take a statement you believe to be true about yourself at midlife and write it down. Now, rewrite it in a way that is affirming and repeat it whenever you start beating yourself up. 4. Practice self-compassion. 5. Try something new. 6. Give social media a break. 7. What are you looking at? 8. Find gratitude. 9. Make a change. 10. Not giving a damn. 11.count ur blessings

Thursday, 13 March 2014

cheat sheet to master life-persist

•Ego. A real belief that you can be the best, against all possible rational evidence against this. Against everyone trashing you simultaneously. Add up all of the above and you get persistence. Persistence creates luck. Persistence overcomes failure. Persistence gets you experience. Persistence is a sentence of failures punctuated by the briefest of successes, and eventually those successes will start to propel you towards mastery. There's no answer at all. That's why it's called persistence. Because no matter where you are, there you are, doing what you always did. Not letting any of the above stop you. Using all of the above in your Mastery Arsenal to propel you to higher successes and deeper failures and then even higher successes. It's painful and brutal and no fun and nobody will ever understand why. And when you achieve success people will act as if it's the most natural thing in the world to have happened to you. Ultimately, Mastery = Mystery. You're going to break the sound barrier in some field where nobody has ever gone that fast or that far. You're going to find your own unique combination of passions that make you the best in the world at that combination.

Monday, 10 March 2014
if you’re thrown into a difficult situation, you can immediately come up with ideas to get yourself out of Less. I’m trying to have fewer things in my life right now. This doesn't always mean fewer trinkets that shine on a shelf. It also might mean fewer things that upset me. Fewer people who bother me. Fewer regrets about things that are long dead and buried. Fewer anxieties about a future that may or may not exist. I find that if I dig deep and THROW AWAY ONE THING a day (on my shelf, in my head, an ugly memory in my heart, a small anxiety in my stomach, a frown, a doubt, an insecurity, a person who drains), then I wake up the next day a little more peaceful. A little more enthusiastic. A little happier. Happiness and enthusiasm compound into inner abundance. Inner abundance is the sun that lights up all the life around you. I don’t need to have so many opinions. The fight will continue with or without me, long after everyone in this universe cares." that situation, for instance, because your idea muscle is a machine at that point

Sunday, 9 March 2014

our internal self-image controls: •What we do, and what we don't do •Where we go •Where we live •Who we end up getting in relationships with and how those relationships go •What we do for a living •How much money we make •How far we move up the business ladder •Whether we own a business or work for others •How much we weigh – and what kind of physical shape we're in •How often we have sexual relationships and the quality of them •How well we do at sports •Whether we play musical instruments •How well we perform at school •The state of our health •How we dress — what our personal appearance looks lik

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Give to the Future: Author Nelson Henderson said, "The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." What does this mean? There's a depth of meaning that we can bring to our lives when we take action for something greater than ourselves. Henderson's quote is about doing things in this life that will benefit people far after the time we have passed. A more general question might be: "Is there anything you're doing to make this world a better place for the generations to come?" Besides planting trees (which is a great thing to do and often has an immediate health benefit if you're doing it yourself) what about helping the disadvantaged children in this world? The children are the future generations that will be the future parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Helping them get a more solid foundation and education can literally change the complexion of this world in the centuries to come. Consider today some ways you can think of to help the disadvantaged children in this world.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Top 10 Big Ideas 1Commit to Yourself At the end of the day, what is your life about? It’s helpful to get clear on our underlying agreements with ourselves. Committing to an authentic experience of life will, guaranteed, take you into areas of discomfort as you face limitations that appear astonishingly real. However, if you’re here to be your true self, bring it on, right?! Going deeper into the truth of who we are and acting from that space requires courage, but will be the most freeing thing you ever do. 2Connection and Presence Living in the now is our foundation for entering everyday flow. Connection to the present moment is connection with our true selves. When we continually bring our attention back to the now, we cultivate authenticity and open up access to our intuition and to true joy in our lives. When we’re coming from SAM (Standard American Mindset), we’re often focused primarily on the future, and realigning ourselves with the now can be quite a paradigm shift! We don’t need to throw out all of our possessions, cash in our 401K’s and move to a commune to live intuitively, however. We simply start where we are and train ourselves to be here, realizing our security is in who we are being in the present moment. 3Question Your Thoughts Not only can we train our attention to focus on the present moment rather than on the chatter in our minds, we can question the thoughts that have become our jailers. Following the tenets outlined in Byron Katie’s The Work, I encourage you to begin to investigate those thoughts that keep you stuck (“there’s not enough money,” “I’m too old” etc.) and find out if they are really true before you believe them and allow them to run your life! 4Give Space to Emotions Like thoughts, emotions come and go, and fighting or otherwise attempting to avoid them doesn’t work in the long run. Embracing and experiencing our emotions in an environment of acceptance allows them to process and dissipate rather than festering and draining into other areas of our lives. In this class, I’ll share a tried and true method for embracing emotion in our lives on a day-to-day basis. 5What’s Your Problem? Realizing that problems are only in our minds is such a relief! It’s only a problem if you think it is! Addressing situations within which you would like to see change starts with accepting and acknowledging what’s there and then taking a step from inspiration—here is where true transformation takes place. Reacting in anger or frustration only leads to more anger and frustration, which isn’t the best space to negotiate from! Calm presence, on the other hand, can be a powerful platform. Let’s break it down and see that there are no problems, there are only situations with corresponding actions to take or not take. 6Mind Your Own Beeswax So many of the situations we deal with in life are not really our business and can suck up so much of our time and energy! Often our actions in these circumstances masquerade as “helping” or “being nice.” When we are in judgment of what others should do or be, we’re mucking around in someone else’s beeswax. This distracts us from our own lives. When we can begin to get a feel for what is “ours” and what isn’t, we’re doing ourselves and everyone else a huge favor! 7Let the Chips Fall We often act from an underlying need for acceptance or approval, which poisons otherwise authentic actions and relationships. Learning to let others experience their own lives without our “management” can feel uncomfortable at first, but is actually an act of love. This allowing is both freeing and necessary if we want to act freely from intuition. 8Plans Shmans Does living intuitively require scrapping all plans and living moment-by-moment? Yes! And no! When our actions and inspirations arise from our true selves rather than from ego identity, we often “download” entire visions for projects, actions and adventures. When we’re following those feelings and living out those visions, our brains can be very useful tools as we’re enacting whatever we’re inspired to do. “Plans” may very well emerge in that context. However, we can only plan from what we already know, and life has a way, especially when we’re living intuitively, of bringing about circumstances that blow our small-minded plans out of the water. Plan for openness! 9Show Up How many times have you heard the mantra, “Just show up”? It’s key! When your intuition calls you to write, sit down at your laptop! If it inspires you to make a U-turn, whip the car around ASAP! Showing up means following the feeling without thinking about the “how” or “why” of it. It’s very common to have an intuition and then to smash it right out of the gate because it doesn’t make any logical sense or you can’t imagine how it will ever happen. Your expanded self will guide you! By showing up and taking one small step after another, guided by your inspiration, voilà! You’ll soon find yourself in a world of opportunity you could never have dreamed up. 10Reflections and Synchronicity Many spiritual leaders remind us that the outside world is merely a reflection of our internal experience. Following your intuition on a daily basis will give you a supercharged experience of this phenomenon! Additionally, you’ll start to notice odd, joyful and almost magical “signposts” showing up in your life. Carl Jung noticed this, and coined the term “synchronicity.” Indeed, when we’re following our inner wisdom, synchronicity happens, doors open and support appears all around us. So much fun! Living from intuition is not for everyone. It’s not inherently inferior or superior to living any other way. However, those of us who feel drawn to and choose the path of waking up to ourselves will face some specific and universal challenges. This class will introduce some ideas for addressing those challenges and sprinting ahead into a truly authentic life!

habit of resilient people

. They don't listen to the negative voices in their heads 3. They are comfortable not knowing everyone needs “to [be able to] speak on any particular issue without being fully prepared. To be flexible and articulate and confident enough,” even when you don’t know everything, because “we can’t know everything.” They Let Go of... the “Yeah, But...” ” Yours might be related to being too old or too young, you might come from a culture that encourages you not to step into the spotlight or from a family that tells you it’s not polite to brag. You might think you don’t have a college education, or you may be worried that others won’t like you if you stand out from the crowd or say something controversial. Or you may have watched other leaders get attacked or vilified for their ideas and worry the same might happen to you.