Thursday, 26 December 2013

44 Actions You Can Take Now to Boost Your Energy


 these are in no particular order:

  1. Take Vitamins.
  2. Lose weight.
  3. Organize your desk.
  4. Eat lean.
  5. Get 7–8 hours of sleep a night.
  6. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
  7. Take naps.
  8. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  9. Use a sun lamp.
  10. Exercise regularly.
  11. Stop watching or reading the news.
  12. Avoid negative people.
  13. Surround yourself with high-energy people.
  14. Walk faster.
  15. Decide to be energetic.
  16. Smile.
  17. Learn a new joke and tell it to someone.
  18. Read or watch something inspiring.
  19. Avoid sugar and white carbs (potatoes, bread, etc.)
  20. Reconcile with an estranged family member or friend.
  21. Go to church.
  22. Sing old TV theme songs with friends.
  23. Listen to music that moves you.
  24. Get outside.
  25. Breathe more deeply.
  26. Read the Bible.
  27. Relax your body.
  28. Cancel unproductive meetings.
  29. Plan a vacation.
  30. Experience art.
  31. Stop complaining.
  32. Be grateful.
  33. Pay someone a compliment.
  34. Give money to a good cause.
  35. Lighten someone else’s load.
  36. Travel with less stuff.
  37. Clean out your closet.
  38. Have dinner with a friend and be fully present.
  39. Take a shower.
  40. Get a massage.
  41. Turn off your mobile phone.
  42. Get lost in a great story.
  43. Make a list of why you are doing what you are doing.
  44. Dream about what is possible.


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