44 Actions You Can Take Now to Boost Your Energy
these are in no particular order:
- Take Vitamins.
- Lose weight.
- Organize your desk.
- Eat lean.
- Get 7–8 hours of sleep a night.
- Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
- Take naps.
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
- Use a sun lamp.
- Exercise regularly.
- Stop watching or reading the news.
- Avoid negative people.
- Surround yourself with high-energy people.
- Walk faster.
- Decide to be energetic.
- Smile.
- Learn a new joke and tell it to someone.
- Read or watch something inspiring.
- Avoid sugar and white carbs (potatoes, bread, etc.)
- Reconcile with an estranged family member or friend.
- Go to church.
- Sing old TV theme songs with friends.
- Listen to music that moves you.
- Get outside.
- Breathe more deeply.
- Read the Bible.
- Relax your body.
- Cancel unproductive meetings.
- Plan a vacation.
- Experience art.
- Stop complaining.
- Be grateful.
- Pay someone a compliment.
- Give money to a good cause.
- Lighten someone else’s load.
- Travel with less stuff.
- Clean out your closet.
- Have dinner with a friend and be fully present.
- Take a shower.
- Get a massage.
- Turn off your mobile phone.
- Get lost in a great story.
- Make a list of why you are doing what you are doing.
- Dream about what is possible.
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