Thursday, 26 December 2013

do u

Do you want to be a musician?
Then head down to the closest dive bar you can find, and ask how you can get on the bill. When the bartender tells you who to call, call them right away, and then tell them you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. Keep doing this until someone believes you—it’ll happen eventually.
Can’t fill a two-hour set? Then say you’re out-of-town for two weeks and spend every day learning covers until you can.
Want to climb a mountain?
Then why don’t you? If you read about Mt. Everest all day long, you’ll never get started, but if you pick something easy, you can start today. Find a hill close by and walk up it. Keep doing this until you accidentally find yourself standing on a summit.
The fear will be there the whole time, but if you move forward slowly and deliberately, you can mostly ignore it.
Want to run a marathon?
There’s a myth that marathon runners are the healthiest, most elite athletes in the world. That’s true for marathon winners, but it isn’t for the rest of us.
Forget about running 26 miles and just run one. If you can’t run one yet, then run half of one. If you can’t do that, then just take a walk around the block. Can you put your shoes on and get out the door today? If so, you can run a marathon.
Want to travel the world?
The fear of travel is immense… until you do it. The idea of finding yourself in some strange land with no idea how to survive is frightening… until you do it.
Some day you’ll survey the most remote corners of the earth, but for now your job is clear and simple: get on a plane, in a car, on a boat or train and go anywhere. Eventually, you’ll laugh at how scared you were. Here’s a good place to start.
Want to start a business?
Then you’re going to have to sell something, and making that very first sale is the most uncomfortable thing you’ll ever do. Coincidentally, it’ll be one the most rewarding also.
There’s a lot of advice out there about all the Herculean tasks you have to complete before you can call yourself a business owner, but the truth is all you have to do is sell something and keep some of the money. Don’t underestimate the effort it’ll take—it’s not easy—but it’s not rocket science, either

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