Thursday, 26 December 2013

how to interrupt ur habits

Here are some examples…
  • If you’re trying to quit smoking, you could throw your smokes away and force yourself to drive or walk to the store to buy more when you get the urge. The craving might drive you nuts, but the long trip will break you out of the automatic routine long enough to talk yourself out of it on the way. The same could work if you’re trying to quit a bad eating habit.
  • Maybe you want to watch less TV every day after work. Selling your TV or putting it in the closet might be too hard at first (but certainly not ill-advised). Unplugging it between uses, though, would force you dig behind the set, find the cord, and plug it in to watch rather than pick up the remote. That’ll give you the pause needed to ask yourself, “Is this really what I want to be doing right now?”
  • What if you’re a chronic web-surfer and it’s keeping you from creating something? You could leave whatever program you create in open and make sure it’s ready to go every time you close your computer. Then, when you open it again, your creation tool is staring you right in the face. It forces you out of the autopilot process of going directly to your web browser. The easiest thing to do is just start working.

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