Thursday, 26 December 2013

How to Develop Your Intuition Skills

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How to Develop Your Intuition Skills Quiet your mind and listen. Take time each day to experience silence. Practice calming your mind by using whatever breathing or meditative technique you prefer. Let go of the inclination to think, or analyze, and try to know everything. Be open and listen. Let your thoughts roam and be open to the ideas and solutions that come to you. When you listen to your intuition it connects you with a greater knowledge. It usually communicates through symbols, feelings and emotions. Learn to trust your hunches and gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right chances are it isn't. What may be right for one person could be totally wrong for you. How many times have you had that feeling in your stomach compelling you to do, or not do, something for no apparent reason? Listening to it probably helped you avoid a traffic accident, or led you to be at the right place and time for getting that great job, or meeting that special person. Your intuition is your inner guide, so learn to trust it. At first, trusting it may be a bit scary, but allow it the opportunity to develop. Pay attention and be aware. In order to increase your intuitive abilities you must pay attention to what is going on around you. The more data and information you absorb from your environment, the more your subconscious mind has to work with when you have to make an important decision. Since your intuition uses the information gathered by the conscious mind, the more you have available, the better the solution. Likewise, knowledge and understanding gleaned from experience contribute to the quality of insight provided by your intuition. Remember, the subconscious mind communicates information to the conscious mind through your intuition. Other types of intuition reveal themselves in thought flashes or inspiration. The key is to take notice. The more you pay attention, the more of them you will experience. If you've ever ignored your intuition and then had to deal with unpleasant ensuing circumstances, you know what it feels like. To prevent such mishaps, make sure to pay attention to the tiny hints and clues you receive. Employ your subconscious while you sleep. Before you go to bed at night, reflect upon questions and issues for which you couldn't find solutions during the day. Think about and explore different possibilities. This will trigger your imagination and put your subconscious to work at furnishing you with creative solutions while you sleep. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy so when you wake up during the night with some great ideas, you can write them down. Journal. When you take time to write or journal, you tap into thoughts, feelings and ideas you're not typically conscious of. This is an excellent way to release inner messages, insights, or hidden knowledge about a situation or problem that requires solving.

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