Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Raise Your Energy - We want to attract positive things and we have to first begin working with ourselves. We have to raise our own vibrational level to a level that is on the same plane as those things we are attracted to. Certain foods, smells, music (such as Beethoven), all raise our natural vibrational level. When we start taking in these positive energies, we become vibrating at a new rate... like magnets that attract wonderful things. Understand at a deep level that the reverse is also very true. Negative thoughts, emotions, doubts, worries, foods, and musics create negative energy in our bodies and then we begin attracting that which we do not want. Open Yourself To Coincidences - You should begin to write or record the coincidences in your day via a journal or some way to take notes. The powerful thing about doing this is that you are allowing your mind to begin opening up and tuning in to good things coming your way. You are actually allowing fortunate events to start taking place and being aware when they do. This is the core to The Science of Luck. Get Clear About Your Desires - This is powerful! It's the difference between desiring something and desiring... THAT! Have you ever wanted a new car, yet when someone asked, "What type of car do you want... ?" all of a sudden that car seemed to be everywhere. In fact, you really never noticed how many people had that type of car until you had your desires fixed in your mind. This is the fastest road to how to become lucky today because it cuts right through everything else. It's like a laser focused on one spot vs. one flashing all over the place. One is going to create heat, the other just random light. Put Yourself Where You Want To Be Now - This may seem like pretend at first. The reality is the life you are living and have been living is truly just a space in which you've told yourself you exist. This space is no more real than the one you wish you could have, but the difference is that the space you are in now, you believe you should be in. For your life to move forward it's got to have a place to go and the fastest way to get there is to start putting the Science of Luck to work for you by believing that you already have what you want... your just waiting for it to be delivered. Tear Down The Fence - Nearly everyone has a fence in their mind that keeps them within a certain operating pattern in their days. Animals tend to follow the same pattern. If you've got wild animals and you put them in large cages since birth, and then slowly take the cages away, the animals tend to stay within the areas that they've defined as safe... in the space where the cage once was. We too operate this way and once we realize that you truly have no fence caging us in, we are then free to roam as far into our dreams as we possibly choose. Freedom Begins With Discomfort - When you begin practicing this new Science of Luck you are going to realize that a lot of discomforts are going to arise to the surface. You are going to begin to question why you've never known about this pattern of how to become lucky today. You are going to realize you've always had the capacity. You are going to be angry at yourself for not experiencing this sooner. None of those things are going to get you to where you want to be. Instead, remain thankful that you now have what you have so you can now become who you always know you were meant to be. You were meant and built for greatness... it's your time.

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