Wednesday, 18 December 2013

chatting or cheating

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Are you… 1.Exchanging personal, intimate, and confidential information (and/or had offline contact) with an online ‘friend’ that your partner doesn’t know about? 2.Telling your ‘friend’ you’re single when you’re not? 3.Sending or receiving flirtatious emails or texts? 4.Thinking romantic thoughts about your Friend (i.e. what life would be like if you were together)? 5.Spending a large amount of time (in person or online) talking, sharing, confiding with your friend and not telling your partner about it? Or worse, lying about who you are with? 6.Sexting—i.e. sending or receiving a sexy message or photo? 7.Finding yourself sexually and/or emotionally aroused when you think about your friend? 8.Imagining you are in bed with your ‘friend,’ while making love with your partner? 9.Secretly purchasing intimate gifts for your friend or for you to wear while online with your friend? 10.Visiting or participating in a sex chat room with your friend? 11.Doing anything sexual using your webcam (or your imagination)? 12.Sharing your sexual fantasies, masturbating and/or mutually masturbating? Answering YES to questions 1-5 should set off some blaring alarms in your head that you are definitely rapidly sliding down the EMOTIONAL SEX slippery slope into the CHEATING ZONE. Answering YES to questions 6-12 is a strong indicator that you are ALREADY IN the CHEATING ZONE.

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