How do these geese know when to fly to the sun? Who tells them the
seasons? How do we, humans, know when it is time to move on? How
do we know when to go? As with the migrant birds, so surely with
us, there is a voice within, if only we would listen to it, that
tells us so certainly when to go forth into the unknown."
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D.
Trusting yourself is a major sign of surrendering to the Flow. As
in the above quote, the geese don't seem to argue over when it is
time to fly south, they just seem to know. The less victimized you
feel by your background, your work history, your relationship
history, your health, age or anything else, the easier it is for
you to hear that voice within. As you move higher up the Levels of
Awareness, you will find that voice gets louder in every stage. This
is partly due to the reduction of your drama and partly due to your
willingness to hear your own wisdom.
The next step after hearing your inner voice, is to trust what it
says and dare to act on it. That takes practice and you will find
you do a lot of that in the Learning and Experiencing Level of
Awareness. Don't be alarmed if you act on something that you
thought was your inner voice communicating and it proves to be
inaccurate or not in your best interest. Sometimes our egos want
to get into the game and will play tricks on us. How do you know
the difference? That will vary for each of you, but here are a few
tips. The more your inner voice is concerned with being right, the
more likely it is ego, not internal wisdom. If you waffle back and
forth a lot regarding taking action, that is still your ego trying
to be safe. In that case ask yourself, "If I knew I couldn't do it
wrong, what would I do?" That will give you an answer that is not
coming from fear or ego.
Begin to notice how you hear or sense your inner voice when it has
led you in the right direction. Pay special attention to the fact
that it is often not logical. Your inner voice has its own
non-linear way of knowing and communicating. It is your job to
discover your own patterns and trust that no matter what it looks
like on the surface, there are good reasons to honor your internal
wisdom. How many times have you noticed after something you feared
has happened, looking back on it, you realize it was the best
thing for you after all?
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a
- Richard Bach
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