The better sex diet
To really get your blood moving, circulation-enhancing foods are key. Food that's high in omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon and wild salmon are tops. Improved circulation results in greater erectile response, helpful for improving sexual function in men — and in women, too, since blood flows to the clitoris and surrounding vulva.
What you should reach for:
• Carrots, a well-known libido enhancer, are loaded with vitamin E
• Green leafy veggies, which clean blood and open capillaries effectively
• Avocados are fuel for cells with their essential fatty acids
• Watermelon contains phytochemicals to open blood cells
The new focus is on all-natural, healthy, good-for-sex foods. Ingredients such as mustard greens, spinach, baby kale and pea shoots work well. Ditto for pumpkin seeds, figs, nutmeg, black raspberries, Jerusalem artichokes and yams.
Foods that promote weight loss also hold libido-boosting potential. Since obesity is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction, reducing weight can increase testosterone and enhance performance.
• Bottom-line: Foods that are good for your heart are also good for your sex organs. The same foods that clog arteries and bring on heart attacks (think greasy burger and fries) are generally going to cramp your love life over time and should only be eaten occasionally since they prevent blood flow from reaching the genitals, affecting performance — and pleasure.
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