Saturday, 21 December 2013

You can’t make them love you, but here is what you can do. Don’t feed into the negativity. If they want to act a fool, then let them be a fool on their own. If they are truly just afraid of embracing their feelings, well don’t give them more reason to be scared due to you lashing out in frustration. Always take a positive approach, and when that isn’t enough, then that is more reason to believe it is probably time to walk away. Depending on other factors, that walk may be temporary or permanent, but either way it is probably necessary. You can be honest with yourself. Are you truly dealing with the person that is best for you, or are you just trying to hold on to the person who you hoped it could work out with? Do you hold on because you love them or because you have a deeper rooted fear/pride that you aren’t properly addressing? If love isn’t what’s truly keeping you around, then love isn’t what you will be able to pull out of them. Don’t paint your motives with the label of love, when it isn’t really about that. You can be honest with them and properly express your feelings. If you have yet to tell them how you feel, you can’t expect them to know how correct the issue. Many are frustrated with a partner who has no clue what the issue really is. You may have expressed it, but if it was done in negativity (yelling, insulting, etc) then that doesn’t count. One you take a positive approach to communication, then you can more easily evaluate what you’re really dealing with. If they continue to ignore and dismiss how you feel, then you probably will need to dismiss them out of your life. Continuing to give to someone in a relationship that isn’t interested in giving you anything back will simply leave you worn out, hurt, and disappointed. I know all situations are different, but the reality is that a lot of people are holding on to the wrong person for the wrong reasons. You know deep inside if you are that person. You know if you have been fighting a battle out of wishful thinking instead out of a true genuine connection that is just facing some obstacles. You have to embrace that you deserve better, and that dwelling in a negative situation isn’t going to produce anything positive. Action is needed, but not the kind that tries to run away from the issue. It’s the kind that takes a real look in the mirror to fully understand what you’re truly up against. You can’t make them love you, but you sure can start loving yourself.

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