Friday 14 February 2014

be fiery

1st - Never Take Crap From Anyone This perhaps is the 1st Law of Power in the Book of Fieriness. People say, you gotta learn how to give in, every now and then. That’s bull, as far as fieriness is concerned. Giving in or taking crap from someone is the same thing as letting your flames to die down. You must always fan the flames – never back down. 2nd - Say Your Piece When you’ve got something to say, say it, and move on. It doesn’t matter who agrees with you, say it anyways. People can’t help but respect someone with an opinion. 3rd - Back Your Words With Action A fiery person must always live by his or her words. The moment you say something and do something else, or worse, do nothing, you lose your fire power and might never get it back! 4th - You Need Fiery Balls You can’t be fiery, if you ain’t got boldness. It’s that simple. You need to stand your ground, and there’s no school where you can learn this – it’s either you have it or you don’t. And if you don’t, fake it till you have it. Whatever you do, get those balls of fire! 5th - Be Smooth As Hell Understand the oxymoron’re fiery, you can’t be slick in a phony, corny way...hell is fiery, so be smooth as hell! Ha! 6th - Be Unpredictable Never allow anyone to pin you down...once that happens, you become boring and irrelevant. 7th - Always Reinvent Yourself You can’t afford to be irrelevant, so you gotta reinvent yourself. Notice how fire burns erratically...that’s how you gotta be. 8th - Be Intellectual It’s simple – dumb people can never be fiery! The art of fieriness is perfected in having true intellect. If you aren’t born with it, you’ve gotta read like a madman – read everything and anything; absorb all knowledge. You gotta know a bit about everything; and when you can, know more than a bit about something. Fire with intellect is irresistible! 9th - Have A Lot of Swag You’ve gotta have this – call it cocky or whatever; but it really is confidence. It’s true meekness is all nice and they’ll inherit the Earth and all, but think like Elijah, the fiery prophet, and a chariot of fire might just carry you to heaven. Ha! 10th - Be Charismatic When you’ve become super’ve gotta back it up with charisma, unless you just become annoying most of the time. Charisma is what helps fine tune your flames, so people can drink in and digest your liquid-fire. 11th - Have Dark Humour Dark comedy is priceless in the life of a fiery one. You’ve gotta see humour in things that are dark. When you’re corny all the time – people get fed up with you. For you to achieve appreciation in dark humour you must develop a followership for works by Stephen King and Quentin Tarantino. 12th - You’ve Gotta Love Movies And none of that Jennifer Aniston romantic comedy crap, either! 13th – Be Supernatural It’s tough to be fiery, without having a spiritual side. The supernatural, apart from providing the balance in your life, gives you the right amount of enigma in order for you to blast off! 14th – Think Seven Steps Ahead It doesn’t have to be seven steps, exactly. Seven just sounds cooler, as you know. You’ve gotta anticipate things before they happen. This is pivotal to being fiery. 15th – Be Mysterious Not in a weird, freaky way or anything. But a hint of enigma never hurts. 16th – Be Classy The opposite sex will love you for it. Fire with class is always wholesome. 17th – Give Respect Never fail to respect anyone who deserves it. In doing this, you’ll get back respect. And you must be respected to be fiery in the eyes of men. And never under any circumstance should you lose your respect in the eyes of men. This is very essential – once you lose it, take a gun and blow your brains out. What’re you living for? 18th – Be Honest There’s a lot of virtue in being fiery. Honesty is one of them. Never, ever lie. Once you get used to it, telling the truth comes easy. Never bullshit! 19th – Know How To Handle Women Whether you admit it or not, women have the power in this world, and the crazy part is, they don’t even have to occupy any political position or seats of authority to exercise this. Their problem is, they don’t realize this! As a fiery man, you should never deny this power, acknowledge it, harness it, and you’ll be rewarded endlessly. 20th – Be A Ruler As the old saying goes - Do not wait for a coronation; the greatest emperors crown themselves. If you want something take it...don’t wait for it to come to you. Yes it sounds cliché and all. But that’s the sum of being fiery. Sorry to break it down to ya, but fiery people lead the pack...always.

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