Friday, 14 February 2014

So, how do you get out of a rut? Here are 3 suggestions for you. Sometimes it only takes one of these tips to begin building momentum again. Other times, it may require more effort. 1. Connect again with your Creator Almost every time I find myself in a rut it is because I drifted in my personal walk with God. He never moves. You are as close to God as you choose to be. We are the ones that drift. We let other matters get in the way of what is most important. There is a hole in your life that only God can fill. You were wired to worship something. Just be sure your worship is focused in the right direction. 2. Get up and move I think one of the main causes for the rise in depression today is directly connected to our sedentary lifestyles. Our bodies were not built to sit all day. Our minds were not built to stay in neutral at the television screen. If you are a parent, then you will get this. If I allow my kids to watch 3 hours of TV when they come home from school, their behavior and physiology changes usually for the worse. They become whiny, aggravated, and frustrated. There is a valid reason why moms across America make their kids get out and play. You just might be in a rut because you need to change your physiology. Get up and move! 3. Choose to be present in your relationship talk I will admit up front that this is easier for the ladies than it is for the men. Men we have to work extra hard at this. Regardless, all of us have the tendency to “be elsewhere” when engaged in a conversation. Technology is stealing the beauty and color of our relationships and conversations.

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