Friday, 14 February 2014

how to take care of negative thoughts

Spend some time alone reading the Scriptures The book of Psalms is a great place to go when you feel in a negative mood. For one, the writer holds nothing back about the negative feelings he is having about life. He tells God everything that is going on in his heart and spirit. At the same time, you always see a shift happening in these psalms. Once the writer gets his focus off of his thoughts and instead thinks about God and how awesome He is, he begins to change his negative thoughts. By reading 5 Psalms a day you can get all the way through the book of Psalms in a month. Decide to journal and get it all out Sometimes when we have all of these negative thoughts swirling in our head it helps to get them out on paper. Journaling can be incredibly enlightening as overtime you see the same trends appearing in your life. It also is a way to get it all out. When you journal, do not be concerned with spelling or grammar, just get out when is in your mind. Slow down and enjoy the moment Other times our negative thoughts are self-inflicted. By that I mean that we have brought the negativity on ourselves and not because there is anything really bad happening in our life. The negative thoughts come about because we are frustrated with the lack of progress we have in our lives. In times like these, we can benefit from taking a deep breath and just slowing down for a bit. We, as Americans, live life at a rapid pace. We bring on most of the stress in our lives by how we choose to live. Learn the habit of slowing down. Laugh with a friend, play board games with the kids, watch the sunset, spend an evening fishing in a nearby lake. Just slow down. Learn the habit of slowing down. Enjoy being in the moment. Click To Tweet Powered By CoSchedule Go on a walk with a friend Talking through the thoughts in our head can be a great thing as well. Go on a walk with someone you enjoy being around and tell them everything that is going on between your two ears. Just by doing this you will come up with solutions to your own problems. It is funny how different our negativity sounds when we verbalize it. Talk with a friend. It is funny how different our negativity sounds when we verbalize it.

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