Monday, 3 February 2014

life lesson

I am not broken, no one is. There is nothing to fix, so I should stop trying and actually do something good for the world. I have everything I need. This doesn't mean I won't get better, it simply removes any and all excuses I was using not to START. Much of what the world says matters does not. We are only told to fixate on it because it keeps us needy on the inside and easy to control. Stop it. You know the truth. Deep down, everyone does. Have the courage to live that truth for goodness sake. Most of the world's institutions do not exist for my benefit. They exist to divert any and all benefit to themselves. The way this gets changed is not through anger or violence, it is through making them irrelevant--through starvation. By diverting our energy elsewhere, to things that give life instead of control or take it. I no longer validate their existence with anything of my own. I am here to feel fear. It is a human emotion. It is my choice whether I take action based on that fear. This is not recommended. I take action based on the direction of my internal compass. What others think of those actions is none of my business. I am here to help others, not to please them. Those are often two very different things. In the end, the only thing that matters is the amount of love you offered to the world. Is THAT on my to do list? Stop being so scared. You might actually find yourself enjoying the gift of life you've been given. According to "the system," that's a travesty, because you will forever become uncontrollable. According to me, that's the point.

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