Friday, 14 February 2014

Here are 3 new dependable ways to help you attract what you're wanting by quickly and easily changing your resonating emotion. 1. Prayer Prayer is deliberate thought that creates miracles. The shift in thought between normal thinking and prayer holds infinite power. It changes your emotional state instantly because it puts your ego aside and allows you to hand over your sense of control. It helps you move from ego to humility. It raises your resonance from fear to faith. It brings reverence to what you're asking for. It reminds you that you are part of the sacred. It's a discussion with the Universe, the Divine, God. Whatever you want to call it, prayer is the process of speaking what you want. Of getting clear on what you're asking and it's the first step in your understanding that life isn't completely in your control. 2. Join Forces In Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, there is a beautiful passage where she creates an invisible petition for what she wants and starts listing people (dead and alive) that would sign her petition. It's a powerful testament to the idea that we are not alone in wanting what we want. And this is an exercise that I suggest for anyone who really wants something - especially if they feel isolated or alone in the wanting of it. Whether you are wanting success, health, or love, there are countless people who want the same for you. Your task is to join forces with them. Join the team that wants what you want. See your desires as benefitting the greater good. List the people dead, alive, known and unknown that would want what you want. What may start as feeling isolated or alone begins to feel powerful, connected, and supported. Witness that miracle happen within you. Feel the support and connection of your amassed army. And join that force. 3. Surrender This is the one that I'm the worst at. I like to think I have control. I like my fancy illusion of micro-managing, powering-through and making things happen. But, the world just doesn't work like that. God doesn't work like that. Nature doesn't work like that. Hell, my 9-month-old Golden Retriever doesn't work like that. Life doesn't happen on my time table according to my plan. And for the things that I have really wanted in my life... I have had to surrender and hand it over. As David Whyte says, "Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you were alone." Surrender means to understand your place in things. To do what you can do and to trust that life will handle the rest. It means to allow for help. To become part of a team. Whether it is with nature, other human beings or with the Divine.

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