Sunday, 22 December 2013

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His Brain at any age... For reasons linked both to nature and nurture, these findings prove robust worldwide. v He may tend to be more physically active -­‐ using his body as a learning tool more constantly than his sister. v He may also tend to use his body more frequently as a relating tool -­‐ bumping into others and running into things -­‐ or jumping to touch the top of the doorway! v He may become bored, a behavior problem, or dislike school if he is required to sit still for too long doing things that feel irrelevant to him. v His brain formatting and his biochemistry can tend his brain toward “rest states.” He may need to move around to keep his brain out of this boredom state, and may frequently tap a pencil or swing his leg as strategies to stay engaged. On the continuum of male/female brains, a number of males and females might qualify as “bridge brains.” Some research shows around 20% of males and females could fit this description worldwide, and some of this “bridge brain” is set up in-­‐utero.

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