Monday, 27 January 2014


You enter the period known as the crunch. The crunch is the time where you focus all your time on the project at hand. Everything else falls by the wayside as you devote yourself fully to getting the job done. The deadline has crept up because you’re overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. The first task, therefore, is simple: break it down. Your list contains everything that needs to be done for the task List, list, list. Whatever your project is, make a list. Then you start to tackle the list in full crunch mode. Item by item, task by task. In the midst of a good crunch, momentum becomes a faithful companion. Giving up becomes harder than stopping. You’ve got to see this through! Can you live your whole life in the crunch? No, not really. Adrenaline should be harnessed and deployed at key times. Ideally you should plan for a lifetime of activity, not just a series of benders where you burn yourself out. But once in a while, the crunch must be endured and embraced. You go through the crunch to get to the other side.

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