Wednesday, 29 January 2014


perfection is when you focus on the value you bring to the world. Because when I focus on my values, on all those things that make me special, my insecurities feel extremely meniscal. Stop focusing on your insecurities and instead focus on your value and push yourself past those insecurities and take action to either change it or be okay with it. Many times insecurity comes from expecting too much from yourself. You focus on the negatives and ignore the positives (your value). Or maybe you have heard negativities around you for so long that you have started to believe them. When you surround yourself with critical or negative people your insecurities start to take on a life of their own. So do me a favor this week…the next time you feel that self-doubt sneaking in around your armor, instead focus on your value, move past it, and leave that self-doubt in the dust!

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