A clear, shared vision.
An effective leader has a singular, unshakable vision. They are able to clearly communicate that vision as the driving passion for all those who choose to follow. They inspires the entire company to join in his vision and make it their own. They are not the ones steering the ship, nor are they the ones setting the sails. They are the ones standing at the bow, pointing the way and urging the team onward. Where there is no vision, the people go in different directions.
The commitment to see it through.
The leader is committed to completing the mission and achieving the vision. There is nothing that can distract them, detain them or deter them from reaching their goal. Their focus is on the goal and he is determined to reach it. They understands that the art of focus includes the art of saying no. Every opinion, idea or suggestion placed before him rises and falls, not on their own merit, but on their ability to contribute to reaching the goal. They must be able to say “No” to some otherwise good ideas, because they will only serve to become a diversion to the task at hand. Where there is no commitment, the ship often wastes resources as they constantly shift.
Enablement to get the task done.
Leaders can’t get the job done alone. They must enable others by equipping and empowering them to get it done. While leaders should be with the team in front, they can’t get the job done alone and must enable others around them to get it done. The most savvy may become a servant or ask their staff to think of them as their internal clients –rather than a monarch. Those who can’t look like micro-managers which destroy spirit, innovation, and scale. Where there is no enablement, people don’t feel motivated to be proactive.
Accountability put in place.
You cannot measure success without accountability. Every distance that is traveled must be measured and marked. Are we heading in the right direction? Are we getting closer to the goal? Are we on time? What do we need to adjust? Everyone must accountable to someone. The leader is accountable to customers to deliver the goods, to stakeholders to deliver the profits, and to employees to deliver direction, purpose, enablement, inspiration and reward. Each member of the crew is accountable to the others to be as strong a link in the chain as the rest. Failure and success must be consistently rewarded in appropriate proportion to ensure that the ship stays on course. Where there is no accountability, the people do whatever is right in their own eye
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