Tuesday, 7 January 2014


he new year is here & everyone is talking about their new years goals, what they want to do & how they’re going to dominate the new year. Unfortunately, it’s become cliche to point out that when it’s time to take action – most people falter. They all run into the same problem : they get very excited about the goals – but the work is hard and that’s frustrating. Who would have guessed? Work is hard. Darn. he funny thing about excuses is they don’t put up much of a fight. If you try to combat them – you usually can (with surprising ease). And once you’ve done that – that excuse usually loses it’s power. Even so, people are held paralyzed by this belief that you have to do everything or else. They think they have to climb mountain, but all they have to do is prove the excuse wrong one time. You only have to beat it once. You only have to beat it once. You only have to prove your excuses wrong one time. Once you do that – you’ve done what you thought was impossible. Literally – up till you did it – you thought it was impossible. That’s why I push for physical endeavors. That’s why I talk about #CST. That’s why I focus on actually doing something. Action puts fear to death. Because once you beat an excuse one time – anytime in the future that an excuse pops its head in the future – you can tell it to pound sand. It doesn’t matter what that excuse says because you’ve already done it. It doesn’t matter what your lizard brain tells you – it doesn’t matter.

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