How to Succeed Big Time in 2014 without Shredding Your Soul
Clear Space on Your DiskYou have just so much psychological, emotional and logistical time and energy to get things done. If you are doing things you don’t want to do, or don’t believe in, or do out of habit or history, you clog the space for new and better things to come. Do a “radical pastectomy.” Go through your books, clothing, DVD’s, and friendships, and ask yourself, “What of this brings me joy today? What is a match to my soul?” If the object or person uplifts, enlivens, and empowers you, keep it and use it. If not, let it go. Life is too precious to hang onto stuff that drags you down.
2Be Impeccably Honest about What You WantAsking for what you want increases your chances of getting it. While this paradigm sounds simple, it is the formula for manifestation. If you are shy or apologetic about claiming your good, the universe will deliver ambiguous or less than rewarding results. When you state clearly and precisely where you want to go and what you want to achieve, you give the universe something specific to chew on. Your odds go up when you submit an application.
3Let Life Surprise YouWhile it’s important to ask for what you want, it’s also important to be open to your result coming through a different door or in a different form than you dictate. Launch your intention and then allow your result to show up in the way that will be most helpful to you. If you are fixated on your good coming through a particular door, you might miss it coming through even better door. Leave space for unexpected good and miracles.
4Follow Your Highest ExcitementEnthusiasm is the clearest signpost as to where your success will show up. Let joy be your compass. Make a list of the projects, people, and opportunities that make your spirit sing, make them your first priority, and dwell in the experience of aliveness. Excitement is the driving force of all innovation. “If it’s not a hell, yes, it’s a hell, no.”
5Take A Step On Your BehalfPrime the pump of manifestation by taking an action step toward your goal. Small steps at the beginning work better than giant scary leaps of faith. Lean in a direction and you will be guided. Surf websites related to your goal. Talk to people in the industry. Visit a locale where a vision similar to yours is being implemented. Be a co-creator with the universe. Pray with your feet moving.
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