Start you day off well. Before you get out of bed each morning,
say a prayer or repeat you personal affirmation giving thanks
for the conscious decision to make this the best day of your
life and meet with pleasure, success and fun. If you believe it,
it will most certainly happen.
A timeless secret for lifelong success is to live each day as if
it were your last
7 Ways to Kick Start Your Day
Jen Smith
30th December Productivity
24 Comments inShare.8
The way we start our day can strongly influence how the rest of the day goes. Whether we are concerned in making that first hour of the day the one that sets the tone or use the morning to create a great day throughout, we need to take the early part of the day to set up success for the rest of the day. Here are seven tried and tested ways that I use to kick start my day.
1. Wake Up Early
Leaving yourself enough time before work helps you to feel more in control of your time and less rushed. Personally I really like my sleep, so I am not suggesting you have to get up really early if that doesn’t appeal to you — but getting up in plenty of time before you leave the house or start your workday really makes a difference. I used to stay in bed till the last possible moment, but found that I always carried around a feeling of being forced out of bed and rushing into my day. Give yourself a little extra time and start your day in a relaxed and positive way.
2. Exercise
Exercising is a really great way to kick start your day. Again, find what suits you; you don’t have to jog ten miles or do a triathlon! I have a half an hour walk each morning, which gets me out into the fresh air and in contact with some daylight, which is important especially in the winter when we generally spend more time indoors. That half hour walk really sets me up for the day. If the weather is very bad, I do 15 minutes of yoga using a DVD at home. Some form of exercise will help you start your day on the right foot. Find what you enjoy and what fits in with your schedule. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing; start small and build on it.
3. Meditate
Meditation is a really simple and effective way to start your day well. If you haven’t meditated before, just carve out five to ten minutes from your day and sit quietly. Some people leave their eyes open. I prefer closing mine to shut out distractions — but find what works for you. You can stare at a candle flame or concentrate on your breath. I have a CD with guided meditations on that I find really helpful but you can also find other meditations free on the internet as well. Even sitting quietly with a hot drink once you get up can make a huge difference to your start to the day. It is amazing how much of a difference spending even ten minutes a day unplugged from the outside world makes.
4. Affirmations
Affirmations are a great way to promote positive thoughts and create a successful mindset for your day. Whether we realize it or not, our thoughts and the things we say about ourselves are affirmations. When we say we are bad at math or good at cooking, for example, it is an affirmation and that thought becomes the truth for us. Choosing positive affirmations is a great way to change your thoughts and start the day right. I use affirmations each day in front of a mirror and it really helps me to remember who I really want to be in life and what I want to focus on.
5. Have a Good Breakfast
A good breakfast is a great way to start your day. Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day and for good reason; it provides the energy we need to start the day and also provides us with essential vitamins and minerals. I have a smoothie or porridge as I have a tendency to get very hungry around mid-morning and I find both have a good slow release of energy. Experiment and find out what works for you and what you enjoy.
6. Be Prepared
Get as much ready for your day the night before. Make your lunch for the next day, get your clothes ready, write a to do list and do whatever you can to free yourself up for the next day so that you can concentrate on enjoying your morning and starting your day off well. This doesn’t have to take up a lot of time, but setting up some simple systems to prepare for the next day will make a big difference to your mornings. Leaving yourself plenty of time will help you start the day in a relaxed way, rather than in a rush or panic.
7. Create a Simple To Do List
I find creating a to do list each day keeps me focused and clear on what I need to do, but I really try to keep it simple and just write two or three big important tasks. Be realistic about what you need to get done and bear your schedule in mind. If we always try and get too much done we can feel like we’re never achieving enough. Keep it simple
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