Tuesday, 7 January 2014

three career tips

If someone accuses you of not being a team player because you won’t, quit that day. If you see a crime, report it. Otherwise you are an accessory to it and your life is ruined. Your name is everything. If you lose it, you will most likely never get it back. Second, like it, don’t just do it for the money. If that’s what you are doing, just working in finance in any form that you don’t enjoy—and there are plenty of areas that might not be enjoyable to you – then have a game plan to get out when you hit some number that provides you with security and don’t stay beyond it. Go do something with your life that you like after that. Third, if you get rich, and there is a good chance you will, try to give back, not just in charity but create something, a company that can grow. Invest in something new.

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